ECO POSM - POS materials from plywood. Advertising and promotional stands from plywood from the manufacturer in Togliatti. Custom production.
ECO POSM is a series of original POS materials for advanced marketing communications at points of sale. Plywood has unique functional and aesthetic characteristics - it is strong and reliable, it is not afraid of dust and moisture (if compared with cardboard), it has a unique attractive texture. It can work indoors with virtually no life expectancy or on the street for up to several months. POS materials (displays, drives, advertising and promotional stands) are made from 9 mm high-quality birch plywood. The ends of the parts are subjected to minimal grinding to remove chips and dangerous splintering. Finishing, painting / varnishing and branding are calculated separately as paid options. Branding can be done with a milling cutter (engraving), a laser (engraving), and applied with paint through a stencil. ECO POSM POS materials are made to order in batches of 10 pieces. Shipment is disassembled on a pick-up basis. Packing in stretch. The assembly of products is carried out using the tongue-and-groove technology; it does not require a specialized tool or special professional skills. It can be carried out by the employees of the trading floor.
Напольные рекламные стойки из фанеры
Ничего не подошло? Можем доработать/адаптировать дизайн pos-материалов из нашего каталога или разработать новый. Услуга платная. Все опубликованные конструктивные решения и изображения являются собственностью их владельцев, носят исключительно информационный характер. Произведенные изделия могут отличаться от опубликованных изображений. Окончательные параметры pos-материалов согласуются после изготовления пилотного образца.